Monday, August 31, 2015

Rockport Harbor TWO

Second view of the harbor done this summer - some like
 this side -slightly PShopped to add color. Got another 
one around here  somewhere with the Motif.
Had a good summer down there. Very active.
Dog pulling me on the leash here and took this with 
one hand on the camera, the other holding the dog - crazy!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


I cannot state stongly enough how incredibly asinine this whole thing is!
Goodell is a complete buffoon and that billioners boys club is a total
freaking joke! It is filled with Donald Trumps and Donald Stirlings -every one  of them is a cartoon replica - Kraft is just one of them. The NFL is ruining the game. The NCAA is doing the same. Both organizations are built on smoke and mirrors. And it just so happens - Frank Gifford dies the other day. (RIP)

Friday, August 07, 2015

Rockport Harbor

Rockport Harbor
Around 4th of July 2015 - Quick pic from the Headlands. Late in the day.
Needs some work but it is what it is. Just a simple acrylic spent some time on and it isn't over yet

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Woods Bridge!!

Woods Bridge -
Not even the final product - just liked this time and Spring after long winter!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Butler!!! Malcolm in the MIddle!

Butler saved the Patriots with incredible play in Super Bowl. Snapping Victory from the jaws of Defeat . What? 20 seconds left?